Campusschulen Frankfurt und Umgebung
How can educational researchers, school practitioners and (initial) teacher training in Frankfurt and the surrounding area collaborate and benefit from each other with a long-term perspective? In the Campus Schools Programme, we are establishing strong and sustainable collaborations at the interface between theory and practice and develop them further together.
„Cool and Safe“ is a web-based program for the prevention of child sexual abuse. At Goethe University Frankfurt, its efficacy and acceptance by elementary school children was assessed.
Children’s Worlds
An international study of material, social, and cultural conditions of a good life and opportunities of education and participation from children’s and youth’s point of view.
DaZ ab 6
Die Rolle des expliziten Sprachwissens für den Deutscherwerb bei SeiteneinsteigerInnen an Schulen und bei geflüchteten jungen Erwachsenen
The project DAZHOCHZWEI is a cooperation between the Professorship for German as a Second Language (Goethe University, Prof. Dr. Petra Schulz), the Ministry of Education, Hesse, and the Teacher Academy, Hesse. DAZHOCHZWEI aims at implementing a linguistically based language training for children into the (continuing) education program for primary school teachers in Hesse. The project […]
In the project DELTA we apply a working memory training with elementary school children. We investigate the impact of children’s daily experiences on training success, with a focus on motivation, well-being, and sleep on training days.
Qualitative and quantitative analysis of errors in spelling, to allow different levels of analyses for a heterogeneous population of users.
The interdisciplinary network focuses on emotional violence by educational professionals towards children and young people. The network members examine how emotional violence as a phenomenon can be understood theoretically and dealt with empirically.
In the DYNAMIC Kids sub-project of the DYNAMIC Center, we are investigating the mental health of children and adolescents using dynamic network analyses. This takes individual processes into account. We aim to provide a better understanding of individual risk and resilience factors, which will serve as a basis for personalized interventions.
The DYNAMO project investigates the association between fulfillment of basic psychological needs and motivation in children and adolescents. To that end, a measurement instrument shall be developed which allows for assessing these two constructs in these age groups.