Project Young Children’s Worlds
Young Children's Worlds - An explorative study to assess the well-being of younger children
This project will develop a questionnaire to quantitatively assess the well-being of children between the ages of 6 and 8. The study will be conducted in parallel in South Africa and Israel.
The project follows on from the international Children’s Worlds project, which surveys the well-being of children aged 8-12 worldwide. The aim of Young Children’s Worlds is to extend the age range and enable younger children to participate in quantitative research. This is a methodological challenge, as there is little research on how to include children of this age in international comparative well-being surveys. In light of recent empirical findings in well-being research, it is now time to develop appropriate instruments. Valid data from younger age groups are important and necessary for a comprehensive understanding of well-being, also in order to provide targeted and effective support for younger children as they grow and learn and, where appropriate, to derive educational and social policy measures.
The process is also being carried out in parallel in Israel by Dr Hanita Kosher and Dr Iris Zodak (social work) and in South Africa by Dr Sabirah Adams and Prof Shazly Savahl (psychology). The three countries reflect a great deal of cultural diversity, which must be taken into account in internationally comparable survey instruments.