Adaptive Education
This domain focuses on learning arrangements in kindergarten, school, and informal educational settings.
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The research project “Adaptivity and teaching quality in individualized lessons” (Ada*Q) is part of the Robert Bosch Foundation’s “How does a good school work? – Research for practice” programme. The project investigates how individualized teaching in elementary school is implemented and designed at the schools that have won the German School Award.

The AppLeMat project aims to develop and evaluate a therapeutic, tablet-based application as an adjunct to learning therapy.

The IDeA project BiLTex investigates potential differences between bilingual and monolingual learning environments for text comprehension. Whereas in monolingual learning environments all information and actions are available or take place in German, in bilingual learning environments the mother tongue is systematically included. BilTex aims to investigate whether the inclusion of the language of origin has a positive effect on text comprehension and the learning experience of pupils growing up bilingually.

BiPeer explores ways to support German reading competency of Turkish-German bilingual primary school children using peer-learning methods.

Campusschulen Frankfurt und Umgebung
How can educational researchers, school practitioners and (initial) teacher training in Frankfurt and the surrounding area collaborate and benefit from each other with a long-term perspective? In the Campus Schools Programme, we are establishing strong and sustainable collaborations at the interface between theory and practice and develop them further together.

Children’s Worlds
An international study of material, social, and cultural conditions of a good life and opportunities of education and participation from children’s and youth’s point of view.

The aim of the COINS project is to identify key features of instruction-sensitive test items that can be taken into account in the development of standardised performance tests.

Self-regulation refers to an individual’s ability to control his or her own thoughts, feelings and actions in a way that supports the pursuit of long-term goals. The characteristics of situations influence this ability and can therefore support or hinder self-regulation. The DeSign project investigated the interplay between the perceived quality of teaching during a lesson and changes in students’ self-regulation.

The DigitLern project aims to explore the opportunities and challenges of (digital) distance learning and teaching during the coronavirus pandemic for children and young people with learning difficulties.

The research project aims at a better understanding of the persisting social inequality in children’s school success. The main focus is on socioeconomic differences in attitudes, beliefs, and practices of children, parents, and educators with regard to education and care in early and middle childhood.