Individual Development
To the project browserDYNAMIC Kids
In the DYNAMIC Kids sub-project of the DYNAMIC Center, we are investigating the mental health of children and adolescents using dynamic network analyses. This takes individual processes into account. We aim to provide a better understanding of individual risk and resilience factors, which will serve as a basis for personalized interventions.
The research project SPEAK-Phonology is a part of the joint project SPEAK ( This part of the project focuses on developing standard values for a nonword repetiton test that was specifically constructed with multilingual children in mind. Standard values will be calculated for multilingual children between the ages of 4 and 8 and will take their individual biographies of acquisition into account.
The project aims to develop a standardized achievement test for students in grades three to six, which can be used to assess specific competences and impairments in written expression.
The aim of the project FrameWord is to investigate whether mechanisms that were described for visual object recognition – namely, neuronal top-down processing – also apply for visual word recognition.
LONDI (former OnDiFoe)
The project LONDI aims at developing a web-based platform to support the identification and treatment of children with major difficulties in learning to read, spell, and/or calculate. The platform will provide evidence-based information, materials and tools for learning disabilities screening as well as for the individual diagnosis and remediation.
This project investigates the extent to which tests and test items are capable of capturing effects of instruction.
This project evaluates the potential of computerized formative assessment to support reading acquisition of children with reading difficulties. Formative assessment enables teachers to adapt their teaching methods to the individual learning progress of their students.
The project cammino examines the verbal skills of multilingual children and their speech development.
Qualitative and quantitative analysis of errors in spelling, to allow different levels of analyses for a heterogeneous population of users.
The project BÄRENstark! investigated the cognitive causes of learning difficulties in basic scholastic competencies such as reading, spelling, and calculating.