Individual Development
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The idea of the ‘wormhole’ is often used in science fiction to visualise different dimensions of a plot.
In this pilot study with pre-school and primary school children, we try to transfer this idea to the development of knowledge of meaning.
For example, how do environmental changes relate to the development of semantic knowledge?

This project investigates how preschool children cope with linguistic variation. The focus is on the acquisition of adjectives such as big, clean or yellow. The project thus contributes to the question of how children acquire the grammatical rules of their first language and the meaning of utterances when the linguistic input is ambiguous.

The SEM project, funded within the framework of the BMBF funding guideline ‘Language Education in the Immigration Society’, aims to develop, test and research a concept for language support in pre-primary classes. The project includes subject-integrated language support in the development of mathematical precursor skills in conjunction with the promotion of emotional understanding and emotion regulation, as well as a language support related professionalisation programme for teachers working in pre-school classes.

Self-regulation is an important prerequisite and a good predictor of later school performance, social-emotional development and mental health. However, there is no psychometrically validated test battery for measuring self-regulation in German-speaking countries. The aim of the project is therefore to develop, psychometrically test and standardise such a test battery.

The PROMPT project is developing an evidence-based, child-friendly prototype of a learning planner application to support students in self-regulated learning with digital media. The final version of the prototype will be made freely available for widespread use.

The INCLASS project is developing an application-oriented set of tools for the inclusion of autistic children: a training platform for teachers, a self-assessment tool for the (self-)evaluation of competences in teaching children on the autism spectrum and a smartphone app for the identification of individual barriers.

The Europe-wide project ‘Growing Up in Digital Europe’ (GUIDE) analyses the success factors for the development of well-being in a digital world. Over a period of about 25 years, two birth cohorts (infants and school-age children) and their parents will be systematically surveyed. The upstream project GUIDEPREP (‘GUIDE Preparatory Phase’) will develop the necessary research infrastructure for the GUIDE panel between 2022 and 2026.

This project analyses the importance of low-threshold schooling and learning opportunities in initial reception centres in Hesse for the development, learning and integration process of children and adolescents. The aim is to identify the psychosocial needs of children in the developmental phase of school age and ultimately the challenges for educational practice in the school context and to formulate recommendations for policy and practice.

The DIALOG project accompanies a 1.5-year training programme on the implementation of discovery and inquiry-based learning for early childhood educators. Various methods (e.g. video observations and smartphone-based surveys) will be used to investigate the interaction and communication between the actors and the conditions for successful implementation of the programme content.

The IDeA project BiLTex investigates potential differences between bilingual and monolingual learning environments for text comprehension. Whereas in monolingual learning environments all information and actions are available or take place in German, in bilingual learning environments the mother tongue is systematically included. BilTex aims to investigate whether the inclusion of the language of origin has a positive effect on text comprehension and the learning experience of pupils growing up bilingually.