Adaptive Education
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The AppLeMat project aims to develop and evaluate a therapeutic, tablet-based application as an adjunct to learning therapy.

The research project aims at a better understanding of the persisting social inequality in children’s school success. The main focus is on socioeconomic differences in attitudes, beliefs, and practices of children, parents, and educators with regard to education and care in early and middle childhood.

The project Sprachförderprofis offers a joint training program for kindergarten and elementary school teachers. The teachers learn to plan language support settings in small groups based on current insights from linguistics and language acquisition.

The TRIO project examines the effects of a joint professionalization of kindergarten teachers and elementary school teachers in the field of language education.

Visual perception in children is known to serve as an early indicator of learning and achievement disorders. The project ViWa focuses on the development of visual perception and its relationship to math precursor skills and social-emotional competencies in children aged four to ten years.

Attitudes and Actions of Parents and Professionals
The study examines from an educational and socio-scientific perspective the attitudes held by parents and educators at early childhood education and care (ECEC) facilities and primary schools, as well as their underlying beliefs and interactions. The focus is on processes found at the intersection of families and educational institutions that give rise to, reinforce or reduce educational inequalities.

The project UfEBB focuses on the education of under-three-years-old and the unequal conditions for development.

The project SprachHabitus investigates how educators respond to language support programs and integrate them in their daily work especially in daycare centers with a large number of children with a migration background.

The project cammino examines the verbal skills of multilingual children and their speech development.

Schulreifes Kind
Scientific evaluation of a concept of compensatory educational offers for children in pre-school and primary school for the Ministry for Culture, Youth and Sports of the federal state of Baden-Wuerttemberg.