To the project browserPELIKAN
The project PELIKAN focuses on factors that influence effective implementation of compensatory education for enhancing school readiness in kindergarten.
The project KiGru offered children with complicated development conditions individual support and monitoring in the transition from kindergarten to primary school.
The discussion regarding “more male nurses in kindergardens” is currently present internationally. The public discussion involves multiple attributes for girls and boys as well as for their female and male nurses. The NeO Project sheds light on the nurses’ perspectives regarding the meaning of gender within early childhood education.
The project ÜFA is a nationwide longitudinal survey about conditions of employment of professionals in early childhood education.
PROfessio investigates language teacher’s competencies and the process of professionalization regarding their knowledge and practice in the area of language training.
The project SpröM evaluated the longitudinal effects of kindergarten support programs with regard to linguistic and metalinguistic competencies.
The project FILU addressed sensitive interactional behaviour and the arrangement of learning environments for children at home.
The project EVA compares the effects of two established prevention programs – FAUSTLOS (“FISTLESS”) and EARLY STEPS in a sample of high risk children in kindergarten.
The project FIRST STEPS is an early prevention project for families with an immigrant background aiming to sustainably support social integration of toddlers (0-3) .
„Cool and Safe“ is a web-based program for the prevention of child sexual abuse. At Goethe University Frankfurt, its efficacy and acceptance by elementary school children was assessed.