Individual Development
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The project focused on procedures of reading of struggling readers in the 5th and 6th grades. Two main questions were examined: 1. What are the underlying processes of reading in dyslexic children beyond the early years of reading acquisition. 2. How can these processes be enhanced or changed.

The project SpröM evaluated the longitudinal effects of kindergarten support programs with regard to linguistic and metalinguistic competencies.

The project FLORI focused on promoting reading fluency development in elementary school children.

The project MEMO analyzed verbal rehearsal-strategy development in children with and without dyslexia or dyscalculia.

Kosmos focused on the cognitive and socio-emotional development of children with dyslexia and/or dyscalculia.

The project BÄRENstark! investigated the cognitive causes of learning difficulties in basic scholastic competencies such as reading, spelling, and calculating.

In the project WorlD, we examine the role working memory plays for learning to read, write and calculate in children with intellectual disabilities.

The project ReAL examines the development of children’s reading and calculation skills over the course of elementary school, using a combination of behavioral and neurophysiological (EEG, MRI) measures.

The project MILA investigated the language abilities of monolingual children acquiring German and of children acquiring German as early second language. The project aimed at describing typical development in German and at identifying characteristics of language impairment.

The project NEDA investigates the relationship between the development of reading and spelling skills and the development of neural auditory processing in elementary school children.