
The project addresses the educational decision between different tracks of secondary education in German and Turkish-origin families.

The project “EULe – Erfolgreich Unterrichten mit Lernverlaufsdiagnostik” aims to support 10 primary schools in North Rhine-Westphalia in developing and implementing school-specific, data-based and adaptive support concepts based on learning progression diagnostics.

The project EVA compares the effects of two established prevention programs – FAUSTLOS (“FISTLESS”) and EARLY STEPS in a sample of high risk children in kindergarten.

The ExFunKi project aims to improve the diagnosis of executive functions in preschool children.

The FePrax project examines diagnostic assessment and counselling practices in the areas of learning, language, emotional-social development, intellectual development and autism in five German states.

The project FILU addressed sensitive interactional behaviour and the arrangement of learning environments for children at home.

The FLINK project is investigating a computer-based fluency training programme. Children in the middle and lower reading achievement range in grades 3 to 6 can complete up to 54 training units in one school year. The training is accompanied by regular progress diagnostics and can be completed largely independently.

The project FLORI focused on promoting reading fluency development in elementary school children.

The project FLUX studies daily fluctuations in children’s cognitive performance in the school context.

The aim of the project FrameWord is to investigate whether mechanisms that were described for visual object recognition – namely, neuronal top-down processing – also apply for visual word recognition.