
This project evaluates the potential of computerized formative assessment to support reading acquisition of children with reading difficulties. Formative assessment enables teachers to adapt their teaching methods to the individual learning progress of their students.

The INCLASS project is developing an application-oriented set of tools for the inclusion of autistic children: a training platform for teachers, a self-assessment tool for the (self-)evaluation of competences in teaching children on the autism spectrum and a smartphone app for the identification of individual barriers.

This project investigates the extent to which tests and test items are capable of capturing effects of instruction.

The InSel project is investigating how well teachers can recognise internalising symptoms in their students. In addition, a psychoeducational intervention for teachers regarding internalising behavioural problems in students is being developed and tested.

The project IPhaMat examined how students of mathematics for primary schools, teachers in the preparatory service, and practising primary school teachers take up an innovative teaching approach to cooperative learning.

The project KiGru offered children with complicated development conditions individual support and monitoring in the transition from kindergarten to primary school.

Das Projekt KoaLa ist Teil des bundesweiten Forschungsverbundes „Schule macht stark“ (SchuMaS). Es beschäftigt sich mit der Erforschung und Gestaltung kognitiv aktivierender und kollaborativer Lernangebote.

Children with ADHD are inattentive, hyperactive, and impulsive. In our Project KoKo we viewed these problems as problems of cognitive self-regulation: We analyzed children’s behavioral inhibition, cognitive flexibility, and working memory.

This project’s aim was to identify how children acquire social competencies.

The KonText project investigates how grammatical features of texts and individual characteristics of readers (e.g. multilingualism) influence text comprehension. The focus is on the comprehension of linguistic means of indicating basic sequential relationships, so-called causal connectors (e.g. because, since, therefore). The project aims to find out (i) whether explicit labelling of causal relations facilitates text comprehension, (ii) for which causal connectors this is true, and (iii) which students benefit from this.