
Adaptive Education

This domain focuses on learning arrangements in kindergarten, school, and informal educational settings.

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Adaptive Education


The aim of the project is to use neurophysiological measures to better understand cognitive, affective and behavioural teaching-learning processes in the classroom and to relate them to different teaching methods and quality characteristics.

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Adaptive Education


The project EMiL analyzed the importance of social and ethnic characteristics of children in primary school age in the German educational system.

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Adaptive Education


The EMMA project investigates what emotions children report after failures, how children adjust their goals after failures, and the role of emotions and evaluation of failure in goal adjustment.

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Adaptive Education


The project FIRST STEPS is an early prevention project for families with an immigrant background aiming to sustainably support social integration of toddlers (0-3) .

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Adaptive Education


We use meta-analyses and systematic reviews to investigate the effectiveness and conditions for success of self-regulation training. The meta-analyses focus on different training features (e.g. use of learning diaries) or different target groups (e.g. learners with ADHD).

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Adaptive Education


The project “EULe – Erfolgreich Unterrichten mit Lernverlaufsdiagnostik” aims to support 10 primary schools in North Rhine-Westphalia in developing and implementing school-specific, data-based and adaptive support concepts based on learning progression diagnostics.

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Adaptive Education


The project EVA compares the effects of two established prevention programs – FAUSTLOS (“FISTLESS”) and EARLY STEPS in a sample of high risk children in kindergarten.

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Adaptive Education


The project FILU addressed sensitive interactional behaviour and the arrangement of learning environments for children at home.

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Adaptive Education


The FLINK project is investigating a computer-based fluency training programme. Children in the middle and lower reading achievement range in grades 3 to 6 can complete up to 54 training units in one school year. The training is accompanied by regular progress diagnostics and can be completed largely independently.

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Adaptive Education


The project FLORI focused on promoting reading fluency development in elementary school children.

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