
Adaptive Education

This domain focuses on learning arrangements in kindergarten, school, and informal educational settings.

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Adaptive Education


This collaborative project will design and implement a series of events for early career researchers in empirical educational research. The three planned interdisciplinary conferences on the triad of theory, methodology and practice transfer will be complemented by a peer and mentoring programme.

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Adaptive Education


The PuS-SeL project investigates components, influencing factors and approaches to promote self-regulation in primary school children’s learning.

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Adaptive Education


The Resilience project aims to evaluate two mental health promotion programmes and their implementation in everyday school life. The two support programmes are implemented by multi-professional teams (school psychologists, teachers, etc.). The results of the evaluation may help to optimise the implementation of school-based prevention programmes in the future.

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Adaptive Education


The project is focused on the question what makes a childhood shaped by poverty particularly vulnerable. The research interest aims to the questions if children are different effected by vulnerability and transgression than adults as well as how the spatial-structured conditions of the growing up of children have an influence on it.

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Adaptive Education


The SchuWaMi project investigates how schools in Germany have reacted to the increased admission of refugee children and young people, which institutional change processes have taken place and are still taking place in this context, and to what extent and how schools succeed in promoting the social participation of children and young people with refugee experience.

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Adaptive Education


The project SelF deals with the implementation of specific self-regulatory strategies in different areas of application.

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Adaptive Education


The SLICE-UP project is concerned with the ability to measure aspects of teaching quality using first impressions of untrained observers (so-called thin-slices ratings). Central aspects of teaching quality in classroom research are seen as the quality of learning-related interactions between teachers and students, such as the success of structured classroom management, constructive support from teachers, and lesson design that cognitively activates students.

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Adaptive Education


The project SpröM evaluated the longitudinal effects of kindergarten support programs with regard to linguistic and metalinguistic competencies.

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Adaptive Education


The StarLApp project is about the research-based development and qualitative research of the pre-version of an app for statistical learning in primary schools. The app is to be designed with regard to a learning path derived from theory and encourage learners to reason with statistical data.

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Adaptive Education


A broad variety of professional modules, based on the psychoanalytical and interdisciplinary trauma research on the one hand and socio-pedagogical and educational concepts on the other hand, has been intended to offer “first steps” as a sort of first aid in the initial refugee reception Michaelisdorf and to initiate “second steps” to support the immediate and sustaining integration into Germany at the same time.

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